What I Am Most Grateful For

–Featured Story–

Gratitude comes up in my life in so many different ways. It has for a very long time.

I am grateful that my parents instilled in me the importance of sending thank you notes. They taught me to always send a thank you note; it is never to late to say thank you; and it feels good to write them and receive them.

I am grateful for professional mentors and colleagues who have supported my evolving career and entrepreneurial spirit. Confidence comes from within but is magnified via the support and encouragement of family, friends and trusted advisors.

My health. Having lived through a severe mental health crisis with depression, anxiety and PTSD, I am extremely grateful to have been able to find my health again. I am grateful for health care professionals and therapists as well as friends and family who helped me find and renew my strength.

Personally and professionally, I am grateful that I have created a blended life. I am grateful that I pursue my passion for coaching and collaborating with nonprofit leaders. I am grateful that I have produced over 70 episodes of a podcast that engages me with guests who inspire me. At the same time, I have flexibility and have been able to take time with my mom who has recently had a stroke.

Finally, I am grateful for increasing research, practice, and conversation around the value of gratitude and appreciation both in the workplace and in our personal lives.

–Darin Hollingsworth
Chief Gratitude and Accountability Officer, Odonata Coaching & Consulting
Producer & Host of the podcast Working Gratitude

Source/Credit for Photo Above: Courtesy of Darin Hollingsworth

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