5 Ways To Love Yourself More

Do you show enough self-care for your happiness and well-being? Or could you love yourself more?

Here are 5 ways to improve your nurturing towards self, which goes without saying helps prevent stress, provides confidence, and lets you be there reliably for others when needed:

1. Exercise
Healthy body, healthy mind and vice versa. It’s that simple. Keeping your body in shape helps strengthen heart health, promotes self-esteem and confidence, and also keeps you energized. Try to exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. You will thank yourself for it each time.

2. Don’t suppress your emotions
Let yourself move with the flow, without bottling emotions. If a good celebration is needed, go for it. Or should you need a moment for sadness, let it out. Let yourself feel (albeit in the right settings). Remember, happiness usually comes in waves. So, get ready to enjoy the next one.

3. Sleep
Sleeping 8 to 10 hours will help you feel more energized, less burnt out and simply refreshed and present. You’ll love yourself more by getting the needed nighttime beauty sleep.

4. Eat well
A variety of fresh vegetables, some fruit, proteins and carbohydrates will feel good for your body and mind. Throw in peanut butter or cocoa spread with fruits to look forward to. Add in chocolate milk for a recovery drink after the gym. Stay hydrated with regular water. Eating well really can really make you feel better, especially better when it’s done well and regularly.

5. Stay focused with a purpose
When your work carries a purpose, it often doesn’t feel like work. Try to pursue a passion that holds a higher purpose. Stay encouraged, work hard, and stay focused. The purpose will leave you satisfied, an often elusive feeling, as long as you remember to give yourself credit.

These 5 ways are simple, but powerful, ways to love yourself more. Maintain practice, and enjoy!

Source/Credit for Photo Above: https://www.vibe5fitness.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-self-care-and-fitness/