7 Ways To Build And Use Courage

Do you feel deflated at times and or searching to reach yet another milestone?  Do you want some courage to pump yourself up?  Here is some basic information on courage as well as ways to build and use it in your daily life.

Dr. Andrew Huberman, an expert neuroscientist, has described how the origins of courage come from the prefrontal cortex. Our responses to fear are dealt with by this region of the brain, and he says that we can often become better people by overcoming fear and other difficult emotions.

So, how can we strengthen or build our courage and, in turn, use the results to support ourselves?  Here are 7 ways to build and use courage:

1. Understand yourself better

Identifying how you feel daily, or thoughts you carry about your past or present circumstances and or experiences, can remove unneeded stresses and strengthen your foundation for courage. How? By identifying, understanding and accepting past or present stresses or emotional scars, you give yourself permission to start anew and encourage optimism. With greater optimism, you’ve probably gained the courage to take on bigger goals. Optimism feeds courage. By understanding yourself, you’ve got more of both.

2. Practice self-compassion and self-care

When you feel self-compassion and care for your physical, mental and emotional well-being, you nurture yourself like a plant that receives water and sunlight. By nurturing yourself, you are supplying the capacity to build courage. Courage to persevere, make an impact, achieve goals and so on. And while not easy for some, practicing self-compassion and self-care is one step towards building valor that can be long-lasting.

3. Understand you have tremendous potential, maintain optimism and always hope

Everyone struggles in their own way. In the event of a struggle, we may perceive that our potential is lessened. This is not true! We must remind ourselves of our tremendous potential, build ourselves back up and move on. Keeping optimism and hope, tell yourself that you have the potential to do good and positive things, and your courage will receive a very strong boost!

4. Be your biggest champion or cheerleader

We can each champion ourselves towards great success, i.e. solidifying character, helping ourselves and helping others, by simply rooting for ourselves daily. Going for our best is key. To build and maintain courage, we each must be our biggest personal champion and cheerleader. The continued positivity, while hard at times, is essential to build and use courage to work towards positive, fulfilling purposes. By adopting this step, your courage will stay strong and ready-to-use.

5. Maintain realistic expectations and keep your aspirations high

This is a two-part suggestion. In order to build and use courage to face obstacles and or reach a goal, it is key to stay realistic while dreaming big. By staying realistic, you are less likely to let yourself down because you did not reach the goal or expectation you had. By dreaming big, opportunities that may seem distant become a possibility, then a likelihood, and then a reality. Your courage is sustained and given a boost, respectively, in these two ways!

6. Try and try again

Using courage this way is essential. While it may see repeated too often, or cliché, your attempt to try again and again is noble, courageous and commendable almost always. This is assuming you are seeking to reach for something good for yourself, good for others, or hopefully both. Your courage to try, even if it goes unnoticed, makes a difference. Keep on trying if it’s worth it!

7. Try to learn throughout your life and focus on personal growth

By trying to learn about yourself, others and your environment, in addition to appreciating personal growth, you are fortifying your courage to be the best and most capable version of yourself. No doubt, your bravery is strengthened by knowing you are doing your very best to live and love life.

Hopefully, with these 7 ways in mind, your courage is boosted just by reading! Be brave, pump yourself back up, and very likely good things can follow!

Source/Credit for Photo Above:  http://www.campbellrochford.ie/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Courage.jpg