Gratitude As the Multiplier of Good

Gratitude ensures the stability of the human psyche through its proportional effect on the mental and spiritual wellbeing of each individual. There is a disproportionate effect when other things are out of place meaning if you are not able to supply food or clothing in impoverished settings so that people still feel comforted by its impact. There is always room for more impact when the soul feels the feeling a lot.

I believe in gratitude and its effect on the heart and blood pressure as well, which has been proven. It is quickly felt in the bloodstream because there are downstream effects. Thanks to gratitude, there can be benefits like less blood thinners for medication and actual impact on blood thinning for those with clotting disorders I believe. It is proven that blood pressure is lowered as of this time.

I don’t know of its impact on weight yet, but I think it can slow the body’s absorption of sugar when it is released from digestion meaning insulin works more optimally as well with gratitude. These are a few of the benefits that I have discovered so far with my own weight change and eating pattern.

I think water increases the weight in a person quickly even with gratitude because it is a sentinel homeostatic marker within the bloodstream. I believe water is absorbed quicker because of its polarized state. Food is then absorber quicker right after but in the right muscles and places it should go to.

I know food is meant to build the musculature, and that’s how gratitude is supposed to impact the direct the body’s physical makeup. Gratitude doesn’t do much more than it needs to. If one is fit or not, it can still deliver the right amount of food to each part of the body. If one is more fit, than the effect is greater and musculature is shaped even better than before. The muscle’s density is increased by way of water absorption and food absorption later because the lactic acid is removed and glucose is supplied incrementally and appropriately. Food and water are needed quickly and people cannot deny their hunger this way. Eating right happens with gratitude and that’s probably why people say a blessing before eating a meal I think as well. The intention guides the food to the right place, but with even more of a practice of gratitude, the food becomes the right nourishment for the body and soul.

Before I go, I want to add that gratitude does not take place of cleanliness or prayer. These two are needed to feel gratitude’s benefits multiply exponentially. You need to clean and wash yourself right and also pray as much you want so to feel happy and thoroughly joyous.

Thank you.