How To Turn Gratitude Into A Lifestyle

Being grateful has numerous researched benefits, including health, happiness, fulfillment and more. What can prompt us to turn gratitude into a lifestyle, if it is so rewarding? Here are 5 ways you can infuse gratitude into your everyday routine:

1. Consider gratitude when you feel a negative emotion.
A setback or challenge can be turned around more quickly if we are grateful for it.  Consider gratitude the next time you feel a negative emotion.  Tell yourself it’s okay I feel this way, maybe there’s a reason for it, and I am grateful for that.  You may be feeling down, irritated, angry or frustrated.  Perhaps being grateful for the emotion will let you turn your mood around.  By considering gratitude in the moment, you have become stronger and all the wiser.

2. Practice gratitude when you embrace success.
Success comes for all of us in different forms.  Indeed, we can be grateful when it does come our way.  Humbly embracing success with open gratitude can make the feeling all that richer.  For example, receiving a job offer can be a great time to recall gratitude.  Scores of interviews later, you are settled on a new pursuit.  Doesn’t the reward feel great?  Even greater with gratitude?  Recall the journey you have taken and abundance, wisdom, and joy will fill your heart.

3. Mindfully choose gratefulness to help you make a bigger decision.
If you are making a tough decision, consider which path will be rewarded with more gratefulness.  If you are choosing between jobs perhaps, or a life partner, considering what will fill you with gratitude more can help you in carefully deciding among options.  Be grateful, be thoughtful, be wise and be accepting.  Opportunity will find you, to fill your pocket and heart, if you steer with gratitude in mind.

4. Remember gratitude when you receive a compliment.
A list of what you are grateful for is great!  You can be more mindful of the smaller and bigger joys that fill your day, including compliments.  We may receive compliments on clothes, work performance, and more without even appreciating them at times.  When we practice a grateful lifestyle, however, our minds tune into everything positive (reversing also the negative) and compliments feel that much more rewarding.  Try a regular gratitude practice and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how fulfilling compliments (and relationships with those who give them) can actually feel!

5. Remind loved ones of the rewards gratitude can bring to help them out. Reminding others to feel grateful for all they have in subtle ways often can be an uplifting force.  Being uplifting and looking to the positive can help others see things that way too!  Encouraging others to empower with gratitude will undoubtedly bring more happiness into more lives (including yours)!

Turning gratitude into a lifestyle can be difficult, but with regular practice, doable.  Once doable, it can become a powerful way of living.  The awe, joy and wonder that the practice of gratitude can bring is invaluable.  Try your hand at gratitude and see how awesome it feels.

Source/Credit for Photo Above: Pixabay/Pexels