Motivational Monday: Personal Stories of Gratitude

Please note the stories below are some of the wonderful stories selected at a family launch party for Gratitude Circle.

–Story 1–
I have always been blessed with health, comfort, happiness and joy in my life, however, one of the main things that I’m extremely thankful for is my ability to be able to take care of my parents, especially my mother, during my adult years. We are so blessed that we live with her. From my childhood days, to moving to a new country, starting a new life, getting married, having my first child right up until now with our third one being 8, she has been so instrumental in my life and a guiding light.

For me, having my children around her and having them learn some of life’s most important principles from her is priceless. Both my wife and I have witnessed what an important role her presence has played in our children’s life and her impact on their character development, behavior and attitude.

We are beyond thankful that we have her every hour in our lives and though her everyday tasks may seem ordinary, for us, she is our one of a kind everyday angel who does nothing but have love and care for everyone around her.

–Mustafa Masumi
Source/Credit for Photo Above: Emaze

–Story 2–
Gratitude or gratefulness is a virtue that people possess in various degrees. It can be described as one’s measure of appreciation in response to someone else’s good deed(s), and perhaps, good thought as well. One can also be gratified by her/his own deed or thought too.

I can mention examples of my gratitude in several cases: My parents who put up taking care of and guiding me in a host of instances from infancy to adulthood; my teachers from primary education to higher education; elders in my family who shared words of wisdom and experiences that proved guiding; youngsters (new generation) in my family who were instrumental in enabling me to view the growing process from their standpoint; and friends who helped save my life in the turbulent political atmosphere which prevailed in Afghanistan in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.

But honestly, the true gratitude that I rationally feel, and believe must be extended, is that to Almighty God who Gracefully has provided for the nurturing of my body and soul in some very obvious and subtle ways. In fact, if one realizes and notes the intricacy of gratitude to God as a rational feature, and reflects it in thought and deed, “gratitude” can easily find its place in daily life.

In the realm of daily life, I believe that like many other individual attributes,”gratitude” can be fostered and nurtured – as a conscious effort – by willful determination and through dedication, reach perfection through continued practice.

–Jalal Masumi
Source/Credit for Photo Above: Wall Street Journal

–Story 3–
So Grateful for Expression

Once upon a time, a famous wise man, William Shakespeare, made a philosophical and yet mystifying remark: “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” he wrote. Often, when I think about this quote, I wonder about the fact that how, in life, there are so many of these “tos and not tos,” concepts that somehow are so relevant to our simple, or for that matter, complicated patterns of ordinary, daily life. “To think, or not to think – to say or not to say – to feel or not to feel – to do or not to do, these are the questions.” Questions or statements that certainly make a person become part of broader and more coherent existence that Almighty God has bestowed upon us. A rational, practical, compelling, and heartfelt collection of thoughts, expressions, actions and feeling that are compatible with the harmony of our environment, both individually and socially. In other words, the God-given instincts and potentials of thinking, expressing, acting, feeling, and being are all normal and natural notions that are very much intertwined in our life. Whether huge or small, happy or sad, good or bad, vivid or dull, they can make a difference in our life; they can give us identity; and, certainly, they can have an impact on our surroundings.

So what is better than to show gratitude towards this chain of gratefulness and become part of it. Anything that makes us and the side we are trying to reach out rightfully suitable and worthwhile. After all, we are grateful to people like William Shakespeare and Saddi, who left the door open for us and helped us “to be and to say.”

“Unless and until one has not spoken, his vision of faults and rights remain deeply hidden.” – Saddi

–Shahnaz Masumi
Source/Credit for GIF Above: Sensika

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